S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting

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Leadership for Improved Student Achievement with Technology (Days 3 & 4 Cohort 3)

 Agendas for February 1 and 2, 2006.  


Day Three



1.       Welcome and Overview



2.       Discussion about individual plans and team work



3.       Introduction to Filamentality



4.       Introduction to Portical  



5.       Break



6.       Portical Treasure Hunt Activity


a.       Treasure Hunt activity (You may also include resources you find in any of the books you’ve been given.)



7.       Share Treasure Hunt resources Hotlist



8.       Lunch



9.       Professional Development for increased technology integration


a.       What is technology integration?


b.       Different forms of PD (conferences, workshops, institutes) (MATECH, pgs. 65-69)


c.       What does the research say?

                                     i.      eMINTS

                                     ii.      Technology Professional Development for Teachers

                                     iii.      ACOT

                                     iv.      Effectiveness Literature and Research-Based    Practices


d.       AirSet Activity: Overview of online resources

                                      i.      edutopia

                                      ii.      Concept to Classroom

                                      iii.      Teacher Tap

                                     iv.      Teacher to Teacher Workshops


e.       Briefcase template for PD Plan (pgs. 63-65)



10.   Break



11.   Electronic Communication


a.       Types of electronic communication (MATECH, pgs. 79-82)

b.       Managing the information blizzard (MATECH, pgs. 79-82)

c.       Legal issues (MATECH, pgs. 154-167; Electronic Briefcase pgs. 192-204 and 208-212)



12.   Wrap-up




Day Four



1.       Welcome and Introductions



2.       Professional Development 


a.       Discussion



3.   Internet Issues: Cyberbullying



4.       Online Curriculum Resources 


a.       Marco Polo

b.       Brain Pop

c.       Fun Brain



5.       Break



6.       Browsing time


            a.   Hotlists created by the principals:




b.       Hotlist of additional sites



6.       Next steps 

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